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Horse Tack and Saddles: Events


Preparing your mount.

This section is to show you the basic requirements that the 2nd Missouri Cavalry maintains. If purchasing items from anywhere other than "The Preferred Sutler" link, please get approval from your Chain of Command.

Horse Tack and Saddles: Features

Halter, Lead and Link Strap

Theses items are all manufactured of harness leather with japanned black roller buckles, japanned black rings and hooks. The leather lead strap may be substituted with a modern white cotton lead for safety and security on the picket line. These items are available in a few different styles and are available in black, or russet brown in color.


Bridle, Reins and Bits

The bridle is made of harness leather and is equipped with 4 to 6 japanned black buckles, depending on style and manufacturer. Reins are available in split or one-piece fashion,  made of harness leather and japanned black hardware. All leather items can be of black or russet brown color. Research bits to determine what was available historically and what will work with your mount.

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Breast Strap and Crupper

These items are both made of harness leather with japanned black hardware. A plain breast strap with leather heart is preferred. These items are to keep your saddle from sliding forward and backward while riding up and down hills. Available in black and russet brown leather.

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The surcingle is made of harness leather, webbing and japanned black hardware. Several colors of webbing are available. Black or russet brown leather is acceptable. This is a MANDATORY item, as it is required for safety reasons.


Saddle Bags and Valise

The valise can be made of wool, leather, painted canvas or a combination of materials. Straps to the cantle of the saddle. Secured closed with 2 to 3 straps. All hardware to be made of japanned black iron. Saddle bags are of leather construction and can be of a military or, historically correct, civilian pattern. Black, brown, or russet color is acceptable.

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Saddle Blanket

The saddle blanket is made of wool, and folded according to regulation. Blue and orange pattern, as well as the gray and yellow pattern are acceptable. Ensure that you purchase a good heavy duty quality blanket for the comfort of your mount.

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Cavalry Carbine Socket

Issued with each cavalry saddle, the Carbine Socket buckled to the “offside” or right “D” ring of the saddle’s quarterstraps.  The carbine was carried by the trooper suspended from the sling worn across his body attached to the carbine by the iron snap swivel.  When the trooper was mounted, the barrel of his carbine was fed into the socket attached to his saddle and so arranged, kept the muzzle of his carbine under control, and prevented it from slapping against the side of the horse.

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McClellan Saddle

This saddle consists of 6 coat straps, girth, fenders, stirrup leathers and hooded stirrups. Wooden tree covered with rawhide. Steel stirrup hangers, steel rings & staples,  brass plates and shield. Japanned black iron hardware used throughout. Sewn quarter strap assembly. With rivets used on the body of the saddle to hold the quarter strap to the tree. Standard stirrup is 3” and are hooded. A spaded D-ring in the quarter strap assembly. Can be of black, brown or russet brown leather.

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Jennifer Saddle

The Jennifer had a distinct shaped, rawhide covered tree. It could be quarter strap rigged, english rigged, full or partially skirted, and various shades and mixes of leather colors.


Texas Horn or Hope Saddle

This saddle featured a rawhide covered tree with a saddle horn. It was usually skeleton rigged with quarter straps, sling girth, tie off billits, open stirrups and webbed cinch. With rings and staples front and back. Though theses saddles could be quite fancy as well.

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West Plains, MO 65775, USA

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